No longer available

Unfortunately, Midjourney has decided to ban Journeybase users.

I have trouble imagining how the app has caused any harm to their business. Especially to an extent that they decide to start banning their own customers without any warning.

From my naive point of view the only effect Journeybase has had, is to provide a more convenient way to use their services, which is also the feedback I received from many of you.

It's a real bummer, as I have no other choice but to shutdown the app.

I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused for you. Thank you for your support on this brief journey!

Journeybase App

Discover new styles and techniques among the 1800+ building blocks in the prompt builder library

Prompt Builder Screenshot

Can't remember if --s stands for style or stylize? No problem, Journeybase provides you with quick-access menus for all prompt parameters.

Prompt Builder Screenshot